
Thursday 31 August 2017

Why Now Is The Best Time To Start That Healthy Living & Tips To Get You Started

Summer is slowly drawing to a close and soon those winter jackets will be our wardrobe essentials, so why is now the best time to really knuckle down on eating and living healthily? Its everyones Monday ritual - diet starts Monday - and yet we have that struggle every evening to not drive down to the nearest supermarket and grab a load of unhealthy snacks, because what else best goes with watching your favourite series?

Im a sucker for a pickamix and a oreo ice-cream, and in the heat of the moment I just can't resist the temptation and end up picking 100 million other junk foods to go with it. But without fail, I always feel like absolute rubbish afterwards and it definitely effects me the next day. I wake up feeling sluggish and still so full and bloated but that never stops me from repeating this bad habit the following evening. Some people just can't get those cravings out of their mind until its right there in front of them, others can resist and can go days even weeks without thinking about it - I envy you - and thats why right now is the best time to start. Those evening BBQ's where you overindulge are settling down, and you have a fair few months before the Christmas period begins. Of course theres halloween and theres bound to be a few birthdays and events but hey, what are cheat days for?

How To Get Yourself Started
Whenever I come off track and fall into the trap of eating unhealthily for days upon end, I always have a day to detox before starting to eat correctly again. If I spend one evening eating a few sweets then thats it for me, I have to then train myself to stay away from them and the first few days are my biggest challenge. I would wake up feeling full still from the night of pure bliss and heaven so I would just focus on drinking green tea and smoothies and only eating when I truly felt hungry. Now I'm the definition of someone who has no end to their stomach, and can just keep on going and never really feel full, but that also means that I continuously eat even when I don't feel hungry. Detoxing the day before you truly kick start your healthy eating plan will also allow time to clear your stomach and ease any bloating, remembering not to go overboard and deprive yourself of nutrients.

Now nothing screams a diet change more than ordering protein, it just gives you an extra push in the right direction and gives you a lot more motivation to stay on track. Theres nothing worse than being good all day and then all of a sudden theres a blur and you're surrounded by wrappers. Knowing that you've spent money and you've made the effort all day to stay away from treats will help you reach for something a little more healthier. Most protein packages include these Hunger Buster tablets which you take 30 minutes before your meal. They help you feel much more full and stop you from mooching around the fridge after dinner looking for any leftovers or snacks.

Along side this you can also write out and extensive exercise plan or better yet, order one online. There are so many Fitness Beauty's about such as Kayla Itsines, Emily Skye and Kaylee Ullom who offer exercise programmes. And not only do you receive advise and workouts, you can also communicate with others using the same plan and this way, keep each other motivated. 
  • Detox the day before 
  • Get yourself motivated by ordering protein, or even doing a healthy weekly food shop
  • Sign up to the gym. Book yourself into classes, write a exercise plan or even order one online.

How To Stay On Track
Now nobody likes the thought of being deprived of something that they really love. Sometimes its the thought itself of not being allowed something, that makes it much more tempting and appealing to us. After all, who actually likes being told what to do especially when its coming from ourselves? The best way of fixing these issues is to train yourself into wanting something else more. Always remember those healthy treats that you enjoy and keep them nearby. I know for me that I always have to have a packet of grapes in the freezer (yup, freezer) and a big pot of 0% greek yogurt in my fridge to dip my apples in. Look into alternatives and if you're a fussy eater like myself, even spend time baking some healthy goodies!

Kick start your mornings motivating yourself! This is the biggest key for me, if I wake up craving something that I know I shouldn't have, I have to go back to the reasons as to why I started this journey in the first place. Start your day with something that you enjoy, if you're having something and you're not enjoying it... change it! Switch it up! Every morning I wake up to a green tea and make myself a smoothie using my Slender Blend Shake, focusing on different fruits every day. I always feel as though I've 'failed already' or 'might as well eat rubbish' if I've forgotten to take my hunger buster and fat metaboliser tablets in the morning, so keep them somewhere you will remember or have them in your work bag ready for your travels.

Meal prep is another biggie as its so easy to lose track of what you've been eating if you're just eating on the go. You can either do this every evening or in a bulk, depending on how busy you are. But just like your mornings, actually enjoy what you're eating. Everyone is different in the way that they do this, I can just eat the same for a couple of weeks before getting bored with it and then I just tweak it a little so that it feels and tastes like a brand new dish. Whether its just replacing your rice with white rice noodles, or experimenting with the herbs and spices, the world is your oyster!
  • Experiment with healthy treats and keep those you love nearby.
  • Motivate yourself!
  • Start your day your way, the right way!
  • Stay on top of your game and prepare.
  • Don't go overboard. Treat yourself, but remember that moderation is key.

How do you keep yourself motivated?

Chloé Danielle-Taylor

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